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Psychologist - FG IV

The European University Institute (EUI), based in Florence, Italy is seeking to recruit an experienced Psychologist who will be responsible for providing psychological support and counselling services to the growing EUI community.


Opening date
Vacancy Type
  • Public
Type of Contract
  • Contract Staff

Target audience

The Psychological Support and Wellbeing Service (PSWS) at the European University Institute (EUI) is seeking to recruit an experienced Psychologist who will be responsible for providing psychological support and counselling services to the growing EUI community, with a focus on addressing the diverse linguistic and cultural needs of the EUI members. 

The EUI Psychological Support and Wellbeing Service (PSWS) offers EUI members short-term individual psychological support, group workshops and training, referrals to external mental health services, and psychiatric consultation. Its goal is to contribute to the wellbeing and mental health of EUI members by offering a professional service that helps manage a range of personal, professional, emotional and psychological concerns.

For further information about the post, please read the Vacancy Notice ACS/1/2025 (pdf) and ACS/1/2025 Annex II (pdf) which set out the relevant terms and conditions.

Respond to the consultation

The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.