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  • Consultation
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Coordinator of Academy of European Law - AST3

The Academy of European Law (AEL)at the European University Institute (EUI) based in Florence is seeking to recruit a Coordinator who will be responsible for the administration of all the Academy's activities.


Opening date
Type of Contract
  • Temporary Staff

Target audience

The Academy of European Law (AEL) at the European University Institute (EUI) is seeking to recruit a Coordinator who will be responsible for the administration of all the AEL’s activities, including the publications programme, summer courses and other events, and AEL projects. The Coordinator will be the Assistant Editor of the Collected Courses of the Academy series, published by Oxford University Press, and will be responsible for keeping track of future publications, including liaison with authors, editors, and OUP staff, as well as supervising and correcting the work of external copyeditors.

The Academy of European Law (AEL) is a free-standing unit within the Department of Law. The Academy was established in 1990 by Professors Antonio Cassese and Joseph H. H. Weiler. The AEL promotes excellence in teaching and research on European and international themes through its annual summer courses and authors’ workshops, its publications, and its wide range of projects. The Academy also houses the Secretariat of the European Society of International Law.

For further information about the post, please read the Vacancy Notice AEL.1.2024 (pdf) and AEL.1.2024 Annex II (pdf) which set out the relevant terms and conditions.

Respond to the consultation

The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.

Reference documents

  • 15 DECEMBER 2024
Vacancy Notice Coordinator of Academy of European Law EUI AEL.1.2024