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Documents (62)

Showing results 50 to 60
General publications10 October 2023
The unknown agents of European cooperation, and their future
General publications6 October 2023
Work programme of the EU Agencies Network (2024-2025)
General publications6 October 2023
Work programme of the EU Agencies Network (2024-2025)

The 2024-2025 Work Programme guides the work of the EUAN during the chairing role of EIT/CEPOL. It is articulated around the following three main priorities:

  • EUAN as a role model for administrative excellence
  • EUAN as a valued institutional partner
  • Greening and digitalization
2018-2019 Work Programme of the Network of EU Agencies
General publications6 October 2023
2018-2019 Work Programme of the Network of EU Agencies

The 2018-2019 Work Programme guided the Network’s operations for the coming two years, encompassing both the Frontex and ECDC chairmanships.

2019-2020 Work Programme of the Network of EU Agencies
General publications6 October 2023
2019-2020 Work Programme of the Network of EU Agencies

The 2019-2020 Work Programme  guided the work of the EUAN during the Chairmanship of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

2020-2021 Work Programme of the Network of EU Agencies
General publications6 October 2023
2020-2021 Work Programme of the Network of EU Agencies

The 2020-2021 Work Programme guided the work of the EUAN during the chairing role of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

General publications6 October 2023
2021-2022 Work Programme of the Network of EU Agencies

The 2021-2022 Work Programme guided the work of the EUAN during the chairing role of the European Environment Agency (EEA).

2022-2023 Work Programme of the Network of EU Agencies
General publications11 December 2023
2022-2023 Work Programme of the Network of EU Agencies

The 2022-2023 Work Programme  guided the work of the EUAN during the chairing role of Fusion for Energy (F4E).

General publications28 September 2023
Strategy for the EU Agencies network (2021-2027)

Download executive summary

The new multiannual strategy (2021-2027) is built around two main pillars where EU Agencies and JUs are committed to join forces and mutualise efforts:

1. EU Agencies & Joint Undertakings as a role model for administrative excellence

2. EU Agencies Network as a valued...

General publications28 August 2023
guidelines for eu agencies