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  • Consultation
  • Closed

Head of Digital Transformation Unit (Inter-Agency, AD9-AD10)

The CPVO wishes to recruit a highly motivated and well-qualified Temporary Agent (TA2f) in grade brackets AD9 - AD10 who, under the authority of the President, will work as Head of Digital Transformation Unit.


Opening date
Community Plant Variety Office
  • CPVO - Community Plant Variety Office
Vacancy Type
  • Inter-Agency
Type of Contract
  • Temporary Staff
  • Angers, France

Target audience

This is an inter-agency selection of Temporary Agent (TA) in the function group of Administrator. 

The position is only open to candidates who currently work in an EU decentralized agency, in an EU executive agency or in an EU joint undertaking as a TA 2(f) in the grade bracket AD 9 – AD 10.

Respond to the consultation

The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.