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Publications (9)

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  • General publications
  • European Food Safety Authority

The 2023-2024 Work Programme guided the work of the EUAN during the Chairmanship of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA).

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  • General publications
  • European Institute of Innovation and Technology, European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training

The 2024-2025 Work Programme guiding the work of the EUAN during the chairing role of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) and the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL)

  • General publications

The Heads of over 40 EU Agencies have signed a declaration to promote diversity at work and provide staff with a safe and equitable work environment. Download the common declaration here.

  • General publications
  • European Food Safety Authority

Read the stories expressing the personal reflections on the European project by Bernhard Url (EFSA), António Campinos, (EUIPO ) and Juan Menéndez-Valdés (Eurofound).

  • General publications

The repository contains over a hundred actions undertaken by the EU Agencies since the invasion of Ukraine. Most of them are related to humanitarian actions and specific policy actions, though it also includes direct actions, social media campaigns, and dedicated articles.