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Personnel Security and Registry Control Officer


Opening date
European Defence Agency
  • EDA - European Defence Agency
Vacancy Type
  • Public
Type of Contract
  • Contract Staff
  • FG III
  • Brussels, Belgium

Target audience

To be considered eligible to take part in this selection procedure, on the closing date for the submission of applications candidates must satisfy all the eligibility criteria as specified below:

  • be a national of a Member State participating in the Agency;
  • be entitled to his/her full rights as a citizen;
  • have fulfilled any obligations imposed on him/her by the laws concerning military service;
  • produce the appropriate character references as to his/her suitability for the performance of his/her duties (extract from the “judicial record” or certificate of good conduct will be requested prior to recruitment);
  • be physically fit to perform his/her duties;
  • have a thorough knowledge (minimum level C1 oral and written) of one of the languages of the participating Member States and a satisfactory knowledge (minimum level B2 oral and written) of another of these languages to the extent necessary to discharge his/her duties;
  • have no personal interest (financial, family relationship, or other) which could be in conflict with disinterested discharge of his/her duties within the Agency;
  • hold, or be in a position to obtain, a valid Personnel Security Clearance Certificate (national or EU PSC at SECRET UE/EU SECRET level). Personnel Security Clearance Certificate (PSCC) means a certificate issued by a competent authority establishing that an individual is security cleared and holds a valid national or EU PSC, and which shows the level of EUCI to which that individual may be granted access (SECRET UE/EU SECRET), the date of validity of the relevant PSC and the date of expiry of the certificate itself. Note that the necessary procedure for obtaining a PSCC can be initiated on request of the employer only, and not by the individual candidate;
  • have a level of post-secondary education attested by a diploma; or a level of secondary education attested by a diploma giving access to post-secondary education, and appropriate professional experience of at least three years; or, where justified in the interests of the service, professional training or professional experience of an equivalent level.

Only diplomas that have been awarded in EU Member States or that are the subject of equivalence certificates issued by the authorities in the said Member States shall be taken into consideration. In the latter case, the authority authorised to conclude contracts of employment reserves the right to request proof of such equivalence.

For diplomas awarded in non-EU countries, a NARIC recognition is required:

Qualifications/diplomas awarded until 31/12/2020 in the United Kingdom are accepted without further recognition. For diplomas awarded after this date (from 01/01/2021), a NARIC recognition is required.

It should be noted that due to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union on 31/01/2020, candidates from the United Kingdom who do not hold the nationality of another participating EU Member State, are not eligible.

For native English speakers, your ability to communicate in another EU language will be tested during the selection process. To assess your foreign language levels, see:…

Only applications meeting all essential selection criteria will be assessed.

(1) Professional

Candidates will be required to demonstrate the following qualifications:

  • at least two (2) years of relevant professional experience in the daily management of classified information registries in an international (EU, NATO, or other international organisation) or national environment;
  • experience in Personnel and Industrial Security;
  • knowledge of security measures and procedures for the physical protection of classified information;
  • a very good knowledge of written and spoken English.

(2) Personal

All staff must be able to fit into the Agency's way of working (see para. 2). Other attributes important for this post include:

  • high degree of confidentiality;
  • ability to work independently and collaboratively;
  • ability to work effectively in a multicultural environment;
  • excellent customer orientation;
  • excellent time management, accuracy and rigour;
  • results-orientation and strong motivation;
  • flexibility and innovativeness;
  • ability to work under pressure and to meet tight deadlines;
  • good communication, problem solving and organisational/administrative skills;
  • genuine commitment to the Agency's objectives.


The following will be considered an advantage:

  • knowledge and understanding of Business Continuity Planning processes and procedures;
  • a satisfactory knowledge of written and spoken French.

Why we are consulting

We are looking for a Personnel Security and Registry Control Officer.

The Personnel Security and Registry Control Officer has an essential role in the EDA security organisation and is responsible for the implementation of the Council Decision 2013/488 of 23 September 2013 on the security rules for protecting EU classified information and the EDA Security Rules.

Under the supervision of the Head of the Security Unit, the Personnel Security and Registry Control Officer is responsible in particular for the following:

Personnel Security

  • implement all relevant security rules and procedures laying down criteria for determining whether an individual, taking into account his loyalty, trustworthiness and reliability, may be authorised to have access to EU classified information (EUCI) and the investigative and administrative procedures to be followed;
  • initiate the requests for Personnel Security Clearance (PSC) for all staff requiring access to EUCI and assist them in the completion of a national personnel security questionnaire for the level of EUCI to which the individual may require access; once completed, forward this questionnaire to the competent National Security Authority (NSA) and closely follow up the timely delivery;
  • keep record of all PSCs, monitor the validity and timely request the renewal of PSCs to the competent NSA;
  • liaise with the Belgian NSA for the request of security certificates for contractors/interims in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Belgian authorities and with the Belgian legislation;
  • support staff’s participation to external classified meetings and events (requests for visits, provide EDA Personnel Security Clearance Certificates) and liaise with NSAs for the request for Personnel Security Clearance Information Sheet and Facility Security Clearance confirmations for staff and contractors;
  • act as liaison with all NSAs and collaborate with Security Officers of other EU Institutions.

Registry Control (EUCI management)

  • register information classified as CONFIDENTIEL UE/EU CONFIDENTIAL or above for security purposes when: (a) it arrives in or leaves EDA; or (b) it arrives in or leaves a  classified information system (CIS) and ensure that they are stored securely inside the EUCI registry;
  • ensure that a record is kept of all information classified as RESTREINT UE/EU RESTRICTED (or its equivalent) that is exchanged with third countries and international organisations;
  • assign, package, distribute, dispose and archive classified documents according to Council Decision 2013/488 of 23 September 2013 on the security rules for protecting EU classified information and the EDA Security Rules;
  • assist staff in handling (creating, downgrading, declassifying, sending, or destroying) information classified CONFIDENTIEL UE/EU CONFIDENTIAL or higher;
  • handle cryptographic products, in collaboration with the Information Assurance Operational Authority, to ensure proper record and custody of cryptographic materials and controlled items;
  • keep a log for personnel entering and exiting the EUCI registry who are not authorised to have unescorted access and accompany them for the duration of their visit;
  • liaise with the Physical Security officer and assist with the organisation of classified meeting at the level CONFIDENTIEL UE/EU CONFIDENTIAL or higher, prepare the EUCI that will be handled during the meeting and coordinate with the meeting organiser to ensure that all documents and receipts are handled in line with the relevant rules;
  • periodically conduct an inventory of classified documents and address issues on the need to maintain the classification of information and on documents which may be destroyed;
  • assist the Head of Unit in developing/updating internal security policies and procedures on EUCI management;
  • assist the Head of Unit in providing the necessary awareness training and Security briefing in the area of expertise.


  • provide support to the planning of the new EDA building in the field of expertise;
  • represent the Head of Unit in external meetings with EU Security stakeholders as well as external security authorities and elements;
  • closely cooperate with the EDA Physical Security Officer for physical security aspects. Be familiar with their tasks in order to be able to mutually assist and replace when necessary.

The jobholder may take up other duties as requested in the interest of the service. Duties may evolve according to development of the EDA's structure and activities, and the decisions of EDA management.

Respond to the consultation

The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.

Additional information

The Personnel Security and Registry Control Officer will be appointed by the Chief Executive.

Recruitment will be as a member of the contractual staff of the Agency for a four-year period. Renewal is possible within the limits set out in the EDA Staff Regulations. The successful candidate will be recruited as Contract Agent, Function Group III.

The pay for this position consists of a basic salary of 3.204,55€ supplemented with various allowances, including as applicable expatriation or family allowances. The successful candidate will be graded on entry into service according to the length of his/her professional experience. Salaries are exempted from national tax, instead an Agency tax at source is paid. For further information on working conditions please refer to:

Failure to obtain the requisite security clearance certificate before the expiration of the probationary period may be cause for termination of the contract.

Candidates are advised that part of the recruitment process includes medical analyses and physical check-up with the Agency’s Medical Adviser.

Applications are invited with a view to establish a reserve list for the post of Personnel Security and Registry Control Officer at EDA. This list will be valid until 31/12/2025, and may be extended by decision of the Chief Executive. During the validity of the reserve list, successful candidates may be offered a post in EDA according to their competences in relation to the specific requirements of the vacant post. Inclusion on the reserve list does not imply any entitlement of employment in the Agency.

The Personnel Security and Registry Control Officer will be required to make a declaration of commitment to act independently in the Agency’s interest and to make a declaration in relation to interests that might be considered prejudicial to his/her independence.

EDA is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without distinction on the grounds of age, race, political, philosophical or religious conviction, sex or sexual orientation and regardless of disabilities, marital status or family situation.

Please note that EDA will not return applications to candidates. The personal information EDA requests from candidates will be processed in line with Regulation (EU) N° 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) 45/2001 and Decision No. 1247/2002/EC.

The purpose of processing personal data which candidates submit is to manage applications in view of possible pre-selection and recruitment at EDA. More information on personal data protection in relation to selection and recruitment can be found on the EDA website: