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Senior Expert on Insurance


Opening date
  • CBE JU - Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking
Vacancy Type
  • Inter-Agency
Type of Contract
  • Permanent Official

Target audience

As part of EIOPA’s insurance policy and supervisory convergence work, EIOPA is aiming to recruit senior experts with strong background on the quantitative aspects of Solvency II in order to support the development of international standards, the continued development and implementation of Solvency II framework and other technical tasks. EIOPA also aims to set a reserve list of senior experts. Main responsibilities • Provide policy advice on the quantitative aspects of the anticipated IAIS insurance capital standard and other international issues; • Develop and deliver policy for quantitative aspects (pillar 1) of Solvency II directive; • Draft technical standards and guidelines; • Support the on-going monitoring of Solvency II implementation; • Participating in meetings which requires travelling, including outside Europe; • Lead and participate in relevant project groups and expert networks; • Perform any other tasks as required.

Respond to the consultation

The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.

Additional information

Location(s): Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Agency: EIOPA

Grade: AD7

Type of Contract: Temporary staff

Reference ID: 202307TAAD7

Vacancy Type: Public