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Traineeships - Research and Policy Support Unit Ref. EIGE/2025/TR/R&PS/01

Based in Vilnius, EIGE is entrusted with specific objectives envisaged to contribute and strengthen the promotion of gender equality. The Agency supports policymakers with high quality research and comparable data relevant to their work.


Opening date
  • EIGE - European Institute For Gender Equality
Vacancy Type
  • Public
Type of Contract
  • Trainee
  • Vilnius, Lithuania

Target audience

The traineeships are open to applicants who have not previously undertaken a traineeship in another EU institution or body, who have a recognised university degree evidencing completion of a full cycle of studies and some initial experience either in issues related to gender equality obtained either through specialisation as part of the applicant’s studies for a university degree, or a dissertation or other research project conducted via a previous traineeship or otherwise through relevant professional experience.

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