Traineeships / Young Professional Programmes - EU Agencies Network Skip to main content

Traineeships / Young Professional Programmes

Almost all Agencies/JUs have a traineeship or young professional programme

Most Agencies/JUs offer traineeship programmes for recent university graduates who are at the beginning of their professional careers. The purpose of the programme is to provide trainees an opportunity to acquire practical knowledge and professional experience.

The duration of a traineeship is generally between a minimum of five months and a maximum of twelve months, depending on each Agency´s needs. For more concrete information, consult the traineeship programme of each Agency/JU.


In order to be eligible, candidates must have the nationality/citizenship of an EU Member State, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein and completed and been awarded a full university degree by the closing date for applications.

There is a traineeship grant that varies depending on the country where the Agency is based. Usually, the Agency pays a monthly grant and a travel allowance to compensate the expenses incurred at the beginning and at the end of the traineeship from the place of residence. The amount of the traineeship grant is decided by each Agency on an annual basis.

Concerning tax arrangements, note that the traineeship programmes do not entail an employment relation between the trainees and the Agency. Trainees receive a monthly grant from the Agency, but the Agency does not pay any social security contribution related to the traineeship. Each Agency informs trainees that it is their responsibility to pay income taxes where due in accordance with their individual personal circumstances.

Agencies/JUs apply equal opportunities and accept applications without distinction on the grounds of age, race, political, philosophical, or religious conviction, sex or sexual orientation and regardless of disabilities, marital status, or family situation.