Our Mission & Vision
We enhance the value of individual EU Agencies and Joint Undertakings by deepening their collaboration, with the objective of providing EU citizens, businesses and institutions the right foundation to achieve their priorities. In doing so, we represent a cost-efficient, agile and impactful administrative backbone for the implementation of Union policies.
Through our combined knowledge and actions, we contribute to the implementation of EU policies and strive for the development of a more sustainable, inclusive and competitive Europe for the benefit of all EU citizens.
Governance and structure
The EU Agencies Network (EUAN) has a solid governance structure which steers the strategic, political and technical agenda of the EUAN.
Coordinating Agency
Every year, an Agency chairs the EUAN and sets the priorities for the coming year. The European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), together with the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL), jointly took over the Network’s coordination on 1 March 2024. The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) is due to take on the coordination role in March 2025.
All together, they constitute the Troika.
Governing bodies
The EUAN is governed by the Assemblies of Heads of Agencies (HoA), Heads of Resources (HoR) and Heads of Human Resources (HoHR), who meet at least twice a year.
Working bodies
Thematic Sub-Networks, Working Groups and Task Forces implement the EUAN strategy and annual work programmes and enhance inter-agency collaboration and communication. Their work results in tangible deliverables that benefit their work and EU citizens.
The day-to-day operations are led by the Troika, with the support of the EUAN representation office in Brussels.
Shared Support Office (SSO)
The SSO represents the institutional memory of the Network and serves as a communication and connection hub between the EU institutions and the EUAN members, in addition to providing essential support and advisory services to the EUAN working and governance bodies.
The SSO performs a large range of tasks:
- Coordinates the day-to-day governance of the Network under the lead of the Coordinating Agency and the Troika
- Supports the activities carried out in thematic Sub-Networks, Working Groups and other Task Forces
- Nurtures fruitful relationships with EU institutions and bodies, such as: the European Commission's department for budget (DG BUDG), the department for Human Resources and the Secretariat General (SG), the European Parliament’s Conference of the Committee Chairs, the BUDG and CONT Committees, several Working Parties of the Council and the European Court of Auditors (ECA)
The SSO is composed of the following staff members:
- Julien Taieb (Head of Office)
- Marta Aranega-Gallart (Inter-institutional Officer, Human Resources)
- Martina Nagyova (Inter-institutional Officer, Budget & Finance)
- Aurimas Kisielius (Shared Services Officer)
- Two trainees
Strategy / Work programme
The strategy of the EUAN aims to support the Agencies and Joint Undertakings:
- To develop a modern, agile and flexible administration capable of supporting the greening and digital transitions
- To adopt innovative management and working methods to attract and retain talents
- To foster synergies and efficiency gains leading to time and cost savings
In the course of 2024, the strategy will undergo a mid-term review to adjust existing priorities, objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and take stock of the institutional changes stemming from the European Parliament elections results and the setting up of the new European Commission.

- General publications
- 28 September 2023
The new multiannual strategy (2021-2027) is built around two main pillars where EU Agencies and JUs are committed to join forces and mutualise efforts:
1. EU Agencies & Joint Undertakings as a role model for administrative excellence
2. EU Agencies Network as a valued institutional partner

- General publications
- 6 October 2023
The 2024-2025 Work Programme guides the work of the EUAN during the chairing role of EIT/CEPOL. It is articulated around the following three main priorities:
- EUAN as a role model for administrative excellence
- EUAN as a valued institutional partner
- Greening and digitalization